cowboy bebop

  • A Look At The Philosophy Of Cowboy Bebop

    A Look At The Philosophy Of Cowboy Bebop

    One of the greatest anime ever made, Cowboy Bebop provides a stylish blend of sci-fi with a surprising range of low-end tech: two-way radios, crappy diners, and people stuck in typically human scenarios. But it’s not the sci-fi setting or sci-fi elements that makes Cowboy Bebop stick.

  • 30 Very Good Sci-Fi Dogs

    Now that all the hype surrounding Captain Marvel‘s top scene-stealer, Goose the cat (or “cat,” if you will), has died down a little, it’s high time we shifted our adoring attentions over to the dogs of science fiction. The genre has produced many, many very good puppers over the years, including these 30 favourites.