
  • Square Enix’s Splatoon Clone Isn’t A Complete Fraud

    Square Enix’s Splatoon Clone Isn’t A Complete Fraud

    When Foamstars, Square Enix’s Splatoon-esque party game where two teams of four face off in a giant foam-spewing battle, was announced at the PlayStation games showcase, it wasn’t clear what to expect. Was this just Splatoon in PlayStation-exclusive form? What was the gameplay like? Would it be any fun?

  • Diablo IV Players Keep Nicknaming Themselves ‘Trash’

    Diablo IV Players Keep Nicknaming Themselves ‘Trash’

    I met “Rare Trash” during the middle of (yet another) late-night session of Diablo IV. The large barbarian leaped into action to help me out during a random event involving demons attacking helpless travellers. I thanked them with an emote and moved on. And then another player helped me later that night. This rogue had…