
  • Why Does Everyone In The Mandalorian Talk Like That?

    Why Does Everyone In The Mandalorian Talk Like That?

    Harrison Ford once famously told George Lucas of his Star Wars script, “You can type this shit, but you sure can’t say it!” Suffice to say, the franchise has wrangled with lovably, and not so lovably, weird dialogue since its earliest days. But The Mandalorian’s spartan approach to conversation makes its peculiarity all the more…

  • What Andor Gets Right About Espionage

    What Andor Gets Right About Espionage

    Much has been written about Tony Gilroy’s excellent Star Wars series Andor, available on Disney+. It’s being rightly praised for its complex characters and its multilayered plot. However, what jumped out at me, as a veteran of the intelligence business, was its knowing depiction of the role and execution of espionage. No surprise, given Gilroy’s…