
  • Your Favourite Musician Just Went Live On Twitch

    Your Favourite Musician Just Went Live On Twitch

    Today there are famous people tweeting about Call of Duty and streaming on Twitch, something you might have at one point considered to be a more niche hobby reserved for the most hardcore gamers. But the industry is booming. HBO’s biggest TV show debut in the last ten years is about a zombie game. While…

  • China’s Gaming Restrictions Aren’t As Anti-Gaming As You Think

    China’s Gaming Restrictions Aren’t As Anti-Gaming As You Think

    Whenever any kind of news about China hits the internet, I brace myself for oversimplifications by English-language writers and commentators. But in a country with roughly 720 million gamers (roughly twice the U.S. population), the context behind the recent gaming restrictions placed on Chinese youth isn’t as straightforward as narratives about sinister, big-government politics might…