e3 2015

  • The Real Stories Behind E3’s Glossy Game Demos

    The Real Stories Behind E3’s Glossy Game Demos

    You only get one chance to make a first impression, and for many games, that happens at E3. The annual mega show is nearly upon us, and developers are spending days and nights putting together flashy demos to convince us to open our wallets. What’s real? What’s fake? Maybe both? I asked some developers to…

  • I Played 15 Minutes Of No Man’s Sky

    I Played 15 Minutes Of No Man’s Sky

    Last Friday, the people who are making No Man’s Sky told me they’d been late to a meeting with Steven Spielberg. The legendary director waited, though, because he — like millions of other people across the world — was fiending to play No Man’s Sky. No pressure, right?

  • The Kitchen On Project Morpheus Will Devour Your Soul

    Cast your mind back to the first time you encountered P.T’s haunted hallways. It was pretty goddamn scary, right? Now imagine being inside the game while helplessly tied to a chair. That’s what it feels like to play The Kitchen; a virtual-reality horror game for Project Morpheus on the PlayStation 4. It was hands down…