
  • An In-Depth Look At Overwatch’s Eichenwalde Map

    An In-Depth Look At Overwatch’s Eichenwalde Map

    Strong multiplayer maps in video games create stories. Their construction and design generate emotional reactions from frustrated defeat to jubilant victory. It is not enough to put players in a space and do battle; strong maps shift and contort in unexpected ways. They are not always fair and they are rarely symmetrical, but they will…

  • Show Us Your Smash Bros. Ultimate Controller Setup

    Show Us Your Smash Bros. Ultimate Controller Setup

    Smash Bros. players are often as particular about the controllers they use as they are which characters they pick to go into battle. With the release of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Switch, there are more ways to control the game than ever. What’s your Smash Ultimate controller setup? Fine, we’ll share ours first.