Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia follows the adventure of a Kizuna, a schoolboy who recharges battle hardened anime girls with sexy time.
The show opens with just that. While there isn’t explicit nudity (do butt cheeks in skimpy underwear count?), not much is left to the imagination. The rest of the episode is packed with cleavage and adult situations, interjected with some sci-fi battle scenes.
According to the anime’s official site (via IT Media), TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting has decided to cancel its plans to broadcast the show.
Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia, however, will continue to be broadcasted on several other Japanese TV networks, while Crunchyroll is streaming it outside Japan.
Below is the show’s trailer. It’s probably not work safe.
Definitely not.
18 responses to “This Anime Seems Too Lewd For One Japanese TV Channel [NSFW]”
And it’s still safer than some of the stuff shown on normal TV in this country. A case where censoring an image makes it worse than it actually is.
Yeah.. no.
Well this doesn’t seem s-
Wanking over under-age schoolgirls seems to be Japan’s biggest export…
I’m pretty sure the past-time is super popular in the male (13-18) demographic.
The majority of TV – Japanese or Western – is not really very different, a bit of skin and very weak plot and characterisation.
Except that in Western TV, actual human woman have to go through the motions.
Graphic Violence – A OKAY!
Sexual Content – Hey now, Thats too far.
Gotta love western culture.
A couple of parents I know raise their kids like that.
Their kids watch intently as zombies rip the flesh from their victims, but if a girl in a suggestive outfit appears they all turn their heads away like sex-sensitive bible bashers.
That being said, I’ll take western sexual content over Japanese sexual content, any day.
I dunno, Some of the stuff Western society produces online makes Jap Stuff look tame
There’s a bunch of comedy animes where the sleazy teens get a good whuppin’ every time they harass some girls. If it’s not too porno then I think kids could learn from that.
ITT: “Western TV shows people getting shot, so it’s totally not creepy for this show to have a dude bang girls in school outfits because something something plot device”
EDIT: To be clear, if they showed this on TV here at a reasonable time I wouldn’t call for it to be censored because people are adults. I’d just think “wow, this is a stupid idea for a story”.
I agree it’s pretty stupid, but IMO I’ve seen every damn storytelling premise enough times that stupid is literally a breath of fresh air. Then sometimes it turns into something amazing like Kill la Kill.
Dear weebs, if you hate your culture so much there are simple steps you can take to remove yourself to a culture more to your liking. Granted, that culture despises you more than we do, but if it’s what you want, you have our blessing.
Otherwise, stop complaining that your ‘rights to be creepy’ are being infringed on.
It seems to have worked, whoever you are talking to is nowhere to be seen.
Dear holier than thou yet insulting nonetheless who didn’t read the article but clicked the link because he is interested in the content but isn’t comfortable with himself so he proceeds to attempt to insult others, your today-tonight attitute and puritan value systems are archaic and your opinion belongs in letters to the editor in the Herald Sun.
If you work at Pornhub is it still NSFW?
I eagerly await the Vita game :p
Providing this never makes dubbing i will never have to worry about it