Mike Epstein

Mike Epstein is a freelance writer covering tech, games, and culture at Lifehacker and Gizmodo, among others.

  • Mario Kart 3DS Adds Miis, Flying And… O Yeah, 3D

    If you thought for a second that Nintendo wasn’t going to bring Mario Kart to 3DS, than I guess today is your lucky day. For most of us however, the game’s biggest surprise is the addition of flying and undersea racing. Nintendo has also added Mii support and the standard array of 3DS features; Spot…

  • How Do You Play Chase Mii?

    In Chase Mii, up to four players work together to catch a single person, chasing them through Mario-esque environments. The twist is that the player being chased uses the new Wii U controller, which gives them a tactical advantage by allowing them to see a map.