adventure game

  • This Innovative Puzzle RPG Might Be A Perfect Video Game

    This Innovative Puzzle RPG Might Be A Perfect Video Game

    Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure by developer Furniture & Mattress is the kind of delightful, genre-blending game that words can feel inadequate to describe when it’s much more easily understood in motion. Yes, telling you that it’s an adventure game which you navigate via a grid that moves the environment with you is technically accurate, but…

  • GotY: Kotaku’s Top 12 Games Of 2023, Ranked

    GotY: Kotaku’s Top 12 Games Of 2023, Ranked

    As we’ve all heard countless times throughout these last 12 months, 2023 has been a very interesting year in gaming. There were an exorbitant amount of layoffs, companies gobbling up other companies like corporate Pac-Man, and leaks galore. But despite the obvious problems within our industry that 2023 unmasked, it was a massive year when…