fifa 13

  • It’s Settled: No Yellow Card If You Curse At FIFA’s Referee

    One of the funnier controversies coming out of E3 was how FIFA 13 intended to handle voice recognition in its new suite of Kinect-enabled features. A promotional video left a strong impression that yelling “#$@%!” or “$&%@!” or “wanker!” at the virtual official would result in a yellow card. That was the impression that the…

  • So, What The @$%& Is The Deal With Swearing In FIFA 13?

    In Microsoft’s E3 keynote yesterday, a demonstration of voice-command Kinect support in FIFA 13 yesterday left the impression that if you’re on the adverse end of an official’s decision and you swear at the judgment, you could draw a booking for dissent. It sure looked that way on the video. There was a bleep and…