
  • Forspoken: The Kotaku Review

    Forspoken: The Kotaku Review

    Forspoken is a painfully flawed game. With a variety of rampant inconsistencies, its stilted presentation belies a gem of a story that centres women and feminine expression. In some ways that makes Forspoken a welcome breath of fresh air for fantasy games, as its 15 to 20 hour open-world campaign follows a woman of colour…

  • 31 Of The Biggest Games Coming In 2023

    31 Of The Biggest Games Coming In 2023

    Another year, another 12 months where we get to collectively complain about how there are too many games and not enough dollars in our wallets and hours in our days to play them. As such, it’s probably best to start looking ahead and planning what you want to prioritise in your gaming allowance of money…