
  • All 19 Pixar Movies, Ranked

    All 19 Pixar Movies, Ranked

    Image: Nerdist In the past two decades, computer animation studio Pixar has captivated audiences all over the world with an abundance of original stories, unforgettable characters, unique settings, and complex emotions. Pixar makes films that aren’t just great animated films, but great films period. So ranking them is damn near impossible. Obviously, I’ve done it…

  • Cars 2 Does Not, In Fact, Suck

    Cars 2 Does Not, In Fact, Suck

    Cars 2 was not a classic film. It was unfocused and a bit too dependent on plot rather than characters. But it was a solid film. It had great action set pieces and ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ humour. And it doesn’t deserve the death by omission it is currently enduring.