
  • Kotaku’s Weekend Guide: 5 Games To Usher Autumn In With

    Kotaku’s Weekend Guide: 5 Games To Usher Autumn In With

    As we stare down at the last stretch of September 2023 and the imminent arrival of autumn (seriously, how?), many of us likely find ourselves itching to spend the next 48 hours blissfully gaming. But what game to play? This year has delivered no shortage of games, big and small, deserving of your attention, and…

  • 7 Horny Fantasy Games To Play After Baldur’s Gate 3

    7 Horny Fantasy Games To Play After Baldur’s Gate 3

    Though Baldur’s Gate 3, based on the historically unsexy Dungeons & Dragons franchise, is not a sex game, the tacit understanding among fans and onlookers is that its robust romance options make up some of its best parts. There’s no shame in playing BG3 more for the romance than the mind flayers—though those look like…