
  • Tetris (But With Sand) Is Incredibly Satisfying

    Tetris (But With Sand) Is Incredibly Satisfying

    Odds are high that, you a Kotaku reader, have played Tetris before. In fact, you’ve likely played a lot of Tetris or one of its many clones and knock-offs. But you’ve probably never played a Tetris-inspired game quite like Setris, a new take on the popular puzzler that adds physics and satisfying, shifting sand to…

  • When Things Go Wrong With Players Solving Escape Rooms

    When Things Go Wrong With Players Solving Escape Rooms

    Escape rooms, those lock-in experiences where you and your group have to solve esoteric puzzles to make your way out, are designed to stretch players’ problem-solving skills in an interactive environment. Any expectations beyond just having a good time are usually tied to a theme, and the scarier escape rooms are somewhat equivalent to visiting…