
  • ScribbleTaku

    Lapetus correctly spotted yesterday’s game as Age of Wonders, the Lord of the Rings-style strategy game that dovetailed nicely with sessions of Heroes of Might and Magic. Now, how will you go with today’s game?

  • ScribbleTaku

    The TSR/Goldbox games were a good guess, but yesterday’s game was actually the original Neverwinter Nights from 1991. True classic. Speaking of which, most of you should have some painful memories of this…

  • ScribbleTaku

    The last game was Golf Story, which eX-Rayted picked up after a little bit of late afternoon nudging. You shouldn’t have as many problems with this game, though!

  • ScribbleTaku

    The later Biker Mice from Mars guess was cute, but it was Zer0 who correctly spotted the most recent game as Earthbound. Let’s see how you all fare with this game…