
  • 8 Fantastic Back-To-School Video Games

    8 Fantastic Back-To-School Video Games

    Post-graduation, I let the seasons change without fanfare. But usually, I’d notice that in summer, a puff of warm wind smells sweet and sunny, like coconut-infused lotion (unless you’re in New York City, where summer wind smells like baked dog shit). In autumn, the air cools and smells crisper, crunchier, like fresh earth (or, if…

  • Sims 4 Update Accidentally Adds Incest

    Sims 4 Update Accidentally Adds Incest

    Earlier this week, The Sims 4 received a big, free update that added curved walls, body hair, and new wants and fears. It also seems to have accidentally added incestual relationships. Oh, and people are ageing much faster, too. It’s a weird time to be a Sim, that’s for sure.