
  • 8 Comedies To Watch If You Liked Rick and Morty

    8 Comedies To Watch If You Liked Rick and Morty

    Surprise! The guy who co-created a show that features jellybean molestation allegedly sexually harassed women online and awaits trial on more recent domestic violence charges. But before you send your Pickle Rick through the meat grinder, take a deep breath, and try to have some perspective. There’s plenty of sci-fi comedy that isn’t Rick and…

  • Rick And Morty Creator Used AI Art, Voice Acting In Recent Game

    Rick And Morty Creator Used AI Art, Voice Acting In Recent Game

    As the debate around AI “art” continues to rage on sites like ArtStation, Twitter, and Reddit (and likely in the comments below this very article) it’s already being used in commercial projects. Most recently, Justin Roiland of Squanch Games and Rick And Morty fame confirmed that his newest project, the comedic first-person shooter High on…