video game platforms

  • The Best Games Hidden Inside Other Games

    The Best Games Hidden Inside Other Games

    In an industry that can all too often feel like it wants to wring us of every last drop of money, there’s a special pleasure in noting those most entertaining of freebies: the games hidden inside other games. For instance, did you know the original Animal Crossing was crammed with classic NES games? We’ve rounded…

  • Looks Like The Steam Deck Might Get Some Competition

    Looks Like The Steam Deck Might Get Some Competition

    Five months after Valve announced the Steam Deck, a new challenger enters the handheld console market. The chip manufacturer Qualcomm partnered with gaming hardware company Razer to produce the Snapdragon G3x, a streamer-friendly console that can play games across PC, mobile, consoles, and the cloud. The hardware is still heavily in the development phase, so…