Ruby Recommends: White_Pointer Explains How Wolfenstein 3D Was Rebuilt For SNES

Ruby Recommends: White_Pointer Explains How Wolfenstein 3D Was Rebuilt For SNES

Hello again gamers, goblins, and ghouls. I’m back again this week to give you another Ruby Recommends!

As you know, I’m an absolute fiend for a good deep dive, investigation, rabbit hole or goofy video. YouTube is the perfect environment for that, allowing the average smart fella (or fart smella) to whip up a video essay, gameplay video or descent into madness around a specific niche.

While we here at Kotaku Australia have hopes to do something of our own on the video-sharing website at some point, I thought in the meantime it would be neat to sit down once a week and share a gaming-adjacent video from YouTube and discuss a little about why I like it.

This week, we’re looking at the SNES port of Wolfenstein 3D.

Wolfenstein 3D: No blood edition

White_Pointer is actually one of our own community members! He makes a variety of gaming related videos including top 10 lists, in-depth analyses, retrospectives, and various video guides. Some of his big hits include how to defeat Leviathan in the Final Fantasy VII remake and an in-depth analysis of how Quake runs on the Nintendo 64 and the Sega Saturn. Check them out!

Today’s recommendation is his most recent video that’s all about the SNES port of Wolfenstein 3D. The game is probably most well-known for the fact that a LOT of stuff was censored from the game to adhere to Nintendo’s ‘family-friendly’ policies at the time, including the changing of Adolf Hitler’s name to “Staatmeister” and the removal of any blood.

White_Pointer’s coverage of the Wolfenstein 3D port’s history is detailed without being overwhelming, and his explanation of its use of the Super Nintendo’s capabilities as well as the game’s engine itself is done so in a way that’s easy to understand and absorb. There’s definitely a lot of stuff mentioned that I didn’t originally know about the Super Nintendo and the engine that both Wolfenstein 3D and the original DOOM uses!

This weekly post is also an opportunity for creators to feature their work. If you’re in the business of making YouTube videos diving into niche gaming content, investigating lost game media, or just doing any cool shit with games, OR you have a favourite creator that you’d like us to spotlight, let us know!


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