Ky Stewart

Ky Stewart is a producer at Gizmodo, Lifehacker and Kotaku Australia. Only recently starting in the journalism scene, Ky has already covered a wide range of topics including technology, entertainment, gaming, health and lifestyle. Ky has previously written for Star Observer, 2GB, Grapeshot, Our Songlines and PEDESTRIAN.TV. They are also a proud Dharug and Kamilaroi person. Ky is incredibly passionate about social advocacy for Indigenous and LGBTQIA+ peoples and where pop culture intersects into these communities. In their spare time, Ky loves to read every book they can and listen to their precious vinyl collection.

  • Games I Just Assume I’d Be Good At Without Ever Playing Them

    Games I Just Assume I’d Be Good At Without Ever Playing Them

    You know when you see somebody playing a game and think to yourself, ‘Wow, I would be so incredibly great at this,’ and you walk through life holding that opinion of yourself, just waiting for the right opportunity to prove yourself to someone who cares? Yeah, me too. There have been countless times where I’ve…