
  • Battleborn Beta Impressions: It’s Alright

    Battleborn Beta Impressions: It’s Alright

    A name similar to Battlefront, Battlecry and even Bloodborne hasn’t helped next month’s Battleborn stand out. Descriptions of the game place it in an overflowing stew of team shooters and MOBA-influenced games. This week, at last, there’s an open beta which allows us to at least judge the game on its pre-release merits.

  • Battleborn Comes Out On February 9

    Battleborn Comes Out On February 9

    Video: Battleborn — Gearbox’s don’t-even-think-the-word-MOBA, shooty/punchy/slicey, half-caf-with-a-sprinkle-of-cinnamon, first-person hybrid action game — comes out on February 9, 2016.