online game

  • My Seven-Year-Old’s First MMO

    After playing massively multiplayer online games for over two decades, it’s time to pass the legacy on to my offspring. My seven-year-old son Seamus is playing Adventure Academy, a new educational MMO that teaches him important skills like quest log management, maximizing experience point gain and buying cosmetic items. And probably some maths, science, and…

  • A Game Where You Can Punch A Priceless Piece Of Art

    A Game Where You Can Punch A Priceless Piece Of Art

    If you’ve ever been in the presence of priceless art, you may have at one point or another considered punching it (don’t tell me it hasn’t crossed your mind.) Andrew Shannon felt that way when he put his fist through a Claude Monet painting a few years back, and now you can relive that moment…