
  • World’s Coolest Dog Set To Speedrun Unbeloved Nintendo Game

    World’s Coolest Dog Set To Speedrun Unbeloved Nintendo Game

    For the first time ever Awesome Games Done Quick, the huge annual speedrunning charity event where players compete to set world records in crafty ways, will have a dog compete onstage. I suppose this is the logical culmination of speedrunning. On Tuesday, speedrunner JSR announced in a YouTube video that his Shiba Inu, Peanut Butter,…

  • YouTuber: Logan Paul’s NFT ‘Game’ Is A Big Crypto Scam

    YouTuber: Logan Paul’s NFT ‘Game’ Is A Big Crypto Scam

    YouTuber and internet personality Logan Paul has found himself with a massive target on his forehead recently. Paul, who’s been on something of a redemption arc these last few years following the “suicide forest” fiasco in December 2017, is back in hot water after crypto investigator Stephen “Coffeezilla” Findeisen published a three-part video series looking…

  • Paul Dano Talks Shifting Into Riddler Mode And Joining the Superhero Genre

    Paul Dano Talks Shifting Into Riddler Mode And Joining the Superhero Genre

    While The Batman is treading fairly well worn ground with its title hero having some experience into his career as a superhero detective, its chief villain is another story. Paul Dano’s serial killer take on the Riddler is something of new ground for the green baddie, and it’s a new angle that Dano apparently nearly…