
  • The Top 10 Steam Games To Play In Your Tesla

    The Top 10 Steam Games To Play In Your Tesla

    Last night, Tesla started rolling out its Holiday Update to 2022-and-newer Model S and Model X vehicles. Among the litany of bug fixes and light shows, there’s an odd feature that seems a bit out-of-place in a motor vehicle: Steam compatibility. Yes, your Tesla can now play any game that’s compatible with a Steam Deck,…

  • Tesla Drivers Can Now Play Steam Games Inside Their Cars

    Tesla Drivers Can Now Play Steam Games Inside Their Cars

    Professional boss baby Elon Musk has a lot of…unique ideas (his recent decision to just stop paying rent on Twitter’s office as a “cost-cutting” measure stands among them), but at least he isn’t afraid to commit to the bit. After nearly a year of Musk imagining a Valve-compatible Tesla, the electric vehicle company has added…

  • 2022 Gave Us Elon Musk Drama Every Month

    2022 Gave Us Elon Musk Drama Every Month

    Whether you like it or not, Tesla/SpaceX/The Boring Company/Twitter/Neuralink CEO Elon Musk is inherently influential as the planet’s wealthiest person, and his influence covers a lot of ground — including that which is currently going on in the video game world. Not exclusively, since Musk’s year was rather dominated by various, expensive lawsuits, but there…