
  • Tinykin Is The Little Guy Game Of My Dreams

    Tinykin Is The Little Guy Game Of My Dreams

    Tinykin is out next month, so here’s your little reminder to give the demo a try. Tinykin was one of the many, many, many games announced over the Keigh-3 period, as part of the GamesRadar Future Games Show showcase. Purely from the trailer alone, it was clear as day that this game was going to…

  • A Hectic Management Sim About Sanitising The Nightly News

    In Not For Broadcast, a new left wing government comes to power, with the threat of police crackdowns looming on the horizon. My job is to make it all palatable for the masses by seamlessly packaging the changes together with celebrity scandals and mind-numbing ads. While Not For Broadcast flounders as a political parable, its…

  • TinyBuild To G2A: No, You Have Three Days

    The saga between developer/publisher tinyBuild and the Hong Kong headquartered key reseller has been an ongoing thing this week. The former started out by accusing G2A of profiting at their expense by not shutting down auctions of keys they say were obtained through fraudulent means, while the latter accused the studio of misleading the public…