Quietly announced amidst all the hustle and bustle of E3, Channel Seven has lifted the lid on the name for their new gaming show with Hex and Nichboy. It’s called screenPLAY.
The show will star Stephanie “Hex” Bendixsen and Nich “Nichboy” Richardson, who left Good Game late last year. As we reported in January, Nichboy will be the showrunner and star alongside Hex.
The first teaser notes that the show will be about “games and esports”, indicating that the latter will feature prominently in the show.
ScreenPLAY’s inaugural broadcast will be livestreamed through Facebook on Thursday, according to the trailer above. The site also has YouTube and Twitch logos, indicating that it won’t be a traditional broadcast-only show.
Story developing…
27 responses to “ScreenPLAY Is The Name Of Channel Seven’s Gaming Show”
Holy crap, that looks terrible already.
I’m looking forward to it, but yeah, that teaser video is dire.
Looking forward to it, despite the kerfuffle of Good Game.
Good Luck.
But it being channel seven, I can’t see good things if the ratings don’t meet their targets
My thoughts exactly…
And with that timeslot I’m not liking the odds either =/
Will it actually air on FTA or will it be a web only thing?
I’m sure they’ll stick it at 11pm on 7mate.
Bring back @junglist or GTFO.
I hope it’s not in a 30 min slot with 20 mins of content.
That said, I wish them success with the new project and that I’ll be watching.
Hoping it’s not as crappy/cringeworthy as goodgame was.
I’m not sure how much they have thought this through, even the time slot is odd 3pm? I’m still at work and my kids haven’t yet finished school, who is the audience for this show?
I hope that it is a good show and is successful but who picked that time.
Good luck to them, but I don’t see it working. I abandoned Good Game years before it was booted by the ABC. Not for the “host change over” it was primarily the format and how they reviewed the games (as well as the games they chose to show).
I’m willing to give it a shot, even though I would have preferred Good Game to not be cancelled. But if esports is going to be a large part of the show then it’s not likely to hold my attention.
Also, 3pm? Is that the regular timeslot? Are kids even home at 3 pm these days? The local schools around here don’t finish until 3 pm. No kid is going to be home at that time. Most adults are not going to watching at 3 pm. Seems like a weird timeslot.
It probably doesn’t matter what time it’s on TV, I don’t think kids (or even most sub 35 Adults) even watch TV at all these days. They will just watch through Facebook, YouTube or whatever the 7 catch up app is called.
I’m with you about eSports, I’m not really interested in it. Hopefully it’s just news updates and their reviews and features have lots of air time.
Actually the time slot matters a LOT especially on FTA. Even more so on a commercial channel like 7
An FTA show lives or dies by the revenue it can make. And most of that is via the advertising. Giving a show like this a “dead” slot where in none of the target audience will watch or even know about it means less eyes on the show and less ad revenue. Sure most of us won’t watch TV anymore but if you can still get people to tune in for a portion of the show that’s precious advertising space. It won’t matter if it makes up for it on catch-up services. It’s still a TV show and the primary income is the TV ads
Channel 7 has basically shot this show on the foot already by giving it a stupid 3pm time slot on a weekday. Thats the time reserved for “Brave and the Bold” and those womens talk shows. Because it’s when the single moms or retirees are free for a few hours to tune in and chill before the kids come back. None of the people who would watch this will be able to and those that are watching won’t be interested in this show…
So just to clarify, the Facebook Live Event where we’ll be formally announcing, answering questions and showing a bit of the content we have lined up is this Thursday at 3pm. The show itself will not be airing at 3pm. 🙂
Oh thank Zlod ! 3pm (regular) air time would have been a bad, bad time for your likely audience (like me). Good luck !
Jokes aside saw the streams and daily updates on youtube and im digging it! Cannot wait for the full show next week!
I… don’t like the name. It seems like something a suit came up with in 5 seconds and nobody dared speak up about it.
I agree. “Screenplay. Noun. The script of a film, including acting instructions and scene directions.”
Also, it’s apparently not about cooking …
The world of TV seems to have no idea on handling gaming outside of ACA stirring up moral outrage over some misunderstood aspect of the hobby.
I’m looking forward to this, I’ve been missing Good Game and Pocket so hopefully this works well for them.
Looking forward to the show even with all the drama..
…but good grief that 3pm slot.. really? It’s like 7 wants this show to die and have set up the convenient excuse already “welp no one was watching it anyway” and so forth..
if its made for 10yr olds again then i’ll stay well clear. again.
Good luck!!
BTW I hope they didn’t sign one of those horrible network retainers (talent holding deal) where they can keep them under exclusive contract without actually giving them any air time if their show tanks..
And it took them all of 6 months to get to this?!? A little cringey. Does it stream anywhere else? (I’m not on fb anymore.) If not, bad decision.
I’ve been looking @ hex’s instagram regularly and it’s been all secretive and anticipatory, so this better be good. I actually thought from her vacation etc and little hints that she was regretting her decision to leave abc. Nichboy and her don’t have that same chemistry. Let’s hope it works out for her but I have a bad feeling about this. And I def don’t enjoy her replacement on SP. That voice and mimicry!
Enjoying the new show, but I feel GG had a better approach and, above all else, Bajo and Hex made a much better duo. /shrug.
The last decent and authentic game review show I watched was GoodGame back when Jung still hosted it. I’m not convinced about the quality of ScreenPLAY, sorry.