
  • How To Keep Your PlayStation 4 Protected

    Over the weekend Reddit users started reporting that some PlayStation 4 players were receiving messages that bricked their consoles, forcing a factory reset to return the console to working condition. To avoid facing this fate on your own console and losing your precious PlayStation data, here are some steps to make sure your console and…

  • Detroit: Become Human Is Full Of Secret Messages In Morse Code

    Quantic Dream’s is full of secrets, lore and new scenes to be unlocked throughout multiple playthroughs, but one particular set of messages took fans almost two months to discover and decipher. The bite-sized messages are full of pop culture references, notes from the dev team and weird snatches of code chronicling features of the game…

  • Six Terrifying Games You Need To Play

    No matter how good a horror movie is, it’ll never quite match the horrifying feeling of being in control of the main character’s desperate struggle for survival. Horror games are uniquely terrifying for their interactivity – you’re not allowed to just close your eyes when things get scary. Here’s our pick of the five scariest…