
  • After Much Controversy, Nvidia Brings Back A Budget PC Graphics Card

    After Much Controversy, Nvidia Brings Back A Budget PC Graphics Card

    Last year, Nvidia launched beefy, expensive power hogs with the GeForce RTX 4080 and 4090 graphics cards and cancelled the only real budget option over its own confusing naming conventions. Today, compromised performance in exchange for big savings is back on the table thanks to the 4070, a $US600 card that promises plenty of bells…

  • Marvel Snap’s Pixel Art Variant Cards Aren’t Great

    Marvel Snap’s Pixel Art Variant Cards Aren’t Great

    Marvel Snap contains a ton of variants for each base card in the game. Some of these variants feature different poses or place the heroes in completely new outfits. Others are a bit wackier, with heroes sporting odd costumes or anime-like variants of popular heroes such as Hawkeye or Spider-Man. But by far the most…