
  • Hogwarts Legacy Gets Animal Rescue All Wrong

    Hogwarts Legacy Gets Animal Rescue All Wrong

    The only true moral stance Hogwarts Legacy takes is that animal abuse is bad. One of the main enemy types you face are poachers, a quest takes you to a dragon fighting pit that will horrify, and Poppy Sweeting (bless her) is a Hufflepuff student determined to free every animal on the hillside with your…

  • 15 Hours With Hogwarts Legacy: Magical Surface, Rotten Core

    15 Hours With Hogwarts Legacy: Magical Surface, Rotten Core

    Hogwarts Legacy is here, its arrival surrounded by more brutal blasts of discourse than there are bursts of Bat-Bogey Hexes flying around the Slytherin Common Room. The conversation around the open-world action adventure game which seeks to provide players with the immersive fantasy of actually attending the storied school of magic from the Harry Potter…