
  • Redditor Ruins Perfectly Good Steam Deck, Installs Mac OS On It

    Redditor Ruins Perfectly Good Steam Deck, Installs Mac OS On It

    The Steam Deck, as most people know by now, is a powerful, portable handheld gaming device built on Valve’s proprietary SteamOS platform. The idea is that it has everything you need to run just about any game on the Steam Store. Why on earth anyone would want to ditch that OS in favour of one…

  • Steam Finally Has A Modern Phone App

    Steam Finally Has A Modern Phone App

    While the main Steam application itself has got better over the years, it’s still pretty easy to look at Valve’s approach to store and platform design, look at competitors like Google and Apple and see how everything feels a little quaint. Steam’s mobile app was one of the main offenders in this regard, so it’s…