Wario Turns Pokémon Into Evil Little Creatures

Wario Turns Pokémon Into Evil Little Creatures

Hoenn would turn into a post-apocalyptic region in days with Wario-like Pokémon running around. And judging by their looks, these little vile creatures, drawn by Justin Hall over at Dorkly, would also act as Mario’s greedy antagonist.

Here’s a whole bunch of “WaPokémon”, check out Dorkly’s gallery for more.

Wario Turns Pokémon Into Evil Little Creatures
Wario Turns Pokémon Into Evil Little Creatures
Wario Turns Pokémon Into Evil Little Creatures
Wario Turns Pokémon Into Evil Little Creatures
Wario Turns Pokémon Into Evil Little Creatures
Wario Turns Pokémon Into Evil Little Creatures
Wario Turns Pokémon Into Evil Little Creatures

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