Every month we publish your reader reviews. And every month we award a prize pack for the best review we publish. Let’s find out who won for September.
But first, what’s that prize? Thanks to the very kind chaps at Madman Entertainment, purveyor of all kinds of cool, indie and esoteric films, the best reader review we publish each month will win a prize pack containing 10 of the latest Madman DVD and/or Blu-ray releases.
All you have to do is send your review to us at the usual address. Make sure it’s written in the standard format and in under 500 words. We’ll publish the best ones we get and the best of the month will win a Madman prize pack. Every review published in the month of September was eligible for this month’s prize draw.
So, our September winner is…
Corey Lee for his review of Nier!
If you feel like checking out some of the others, have a gander below.
Mega Man Zero Collection by Alex Caldera
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days by Andrew Leon
Sam and Max: The Devil’s Playhouse by Steven Bogos
Plain Sight by Zorine Te
Dead Rising 2 by Mathew Gray
Fable by Justin Robson
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