Over the weekend, an almost two-minute clip of Deadpool laying waste to a bunch of dudes hit the internet. Some big clues point to it being made by the folks behind some of the best video game trailers.
Deadpool is one of Marvel Comics’ most popular characters right now. He’s also been played by Ryan Reynolds, who is kinda sorta one of the biggest actors in Hollywood. However, all has been quiet with regard to The Merc With a Mouth movie. Then this footage featuring Wade Wilson leaked.
While it looks like it may be related to a video game, the footage looks like it lines up with statements made by the character’s co-creator Rob Liefeld two years ago.
They have got a great director on the movie, they have got a great script. I may or may have not seen some sort of test of footage that would blow your mind if you saw it and go holy crap and that’s Deadpool in costume. Katana swords, guns, shooting people’s faces off and making me laugh. And I may or may not have seen something that looks just like that. And you’ve got what would amount to the first R Rated X-Men movie. Because that script is R Rated.
Deadpool director Tim Miller is a co-founder of Blur Studios, and this certainly could be their work. Those keeping tabs on Wade’s non-comics appearances will also remember that he headlined a game from High Moon Studios last year. If this is in fact a chunk of the same eight-minute reel that Liefeld referred to seeing, then there are still six minutes out there waiting for eyeballs to enjoy them. Chew on that.
12 responses to “Deadpool Film Test Footage Reportedly Leaks”
I don’t know how the rest of the world will react to a Deadpool movie TBH, he’s an awesome character but he’s very bent…
Yay! I suggested this story yesterday! 😀
Here’s a link to a watchable trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06GzlVgF4OY
Damn Fox already locked it down!
This one seems to work okay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95YTXkUt6Us
It has some obnoxious framing, but it seems to be the same footage.
I actually downloaded the clip before it god taken down. I’m not sure if I should upload it somewhere though
It looks like it an unused cinematic from the game, it even has the game’s logo at the end.
It’s not bad, the only thing i would be concerned with is the amount of serious stuff to funny stuff. If he is joking around nonstop then it’s not going to seem that violent or brutal, more like some kind of demented comedy, but if there is a good balance the funny stuff will be funny and the serious/violent stuff will be even more so as it has something to contrast against. Can’t imagine it would be easy to write that though.
That’s definitely Ryan Reynolds voice, not Nolan North.
Could just be a redub to show to potential investors.
It’s an animated test from back in 2011. It’s a VERY different character model from the one used in the Activision game.
Just don’t make the character reek of Daniel Way and I’ll be game.
Agreed. Daniel Way is the worst thing to happen to Deadpool that isn’t ‘Weapon XI’ in Wolverine: Origins.