The Sims 4 is great, and it’s even better with cheats. But if you’re playing The Sims 4 on PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, you might need some help accessing the cheat menu. Here’s how you do it.
To access The Sims 4 cheat menu on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, you’ll need to hold down all four shoulder buttons at once. For the PlayStation 4, that’s L1, R1, L2 and R2 — and for the Xbox One, that’s LB, RB, RT and LT. Be warned though — cheating on console will remove all in-game achievements and trophies.
If you’re successful, a pop-up window will appear, and you’re free to cheat to your heart’s content.
Essential Sims 4 Cheats To Use
Cheating opens up a whole world of possibilities in The Sims 4, but some cheats are better than others. Here are a few of our favourite cheats, and what they do.
- testingcheats true: Enables a developer-style mode with new interactions
- motherlode: Adds $50,000 to your available funds
- death.toggle true: Make your Sims immortal
- sims.fill_all_commodities: Fill your Sims needs
- freerealestate on: All lots in your neighbourhood become free for purchase
- bb.moveobjects on: Allows you to move objects anywhere on your lot
While there’s a whole bunch of other cheats around, these ones will help kick off your new Sims adventure in style.
Now go forth and wreak havoc, Sims lovers!
[referenced url=”” thumb=”” title=”How To Kill In The Sims 4″ excerpt=”Sims are much harder to kill in The Sims 4, the latest edition of EA’s famous people simulator. Oh, but they can die. It just requires a bit more tact on the player’s part. If you’ve been having a hard time tormenting your virtual pets, here are some tips to help you help them shuffle off their mortal coil.”]
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