George R.R. Martin Says More Game of Thrones Spinoffs Have Been Impacted By HBO Max’s Drama

George R.R. Martin Says More Game of Thrones Spinoffs Have Been Impacted By HBO Max’s Drama

House of the Dragon’s arrival this year was meant to be but the first step in a grand return to the world of Westeros — with plans for everything from knightly adventures to the return of Jon Snow on the cards. But while there are still plenty of plans in the works, it might take a little longer to get round to them thanks to Warner Bros.’ heaping pile of mess lately.

The latest update on the world of Game of Thrones spinoffs comes of course courtesy of perpetual updater George R.R. Martin, who loves to tell you when and if he will provide an update on either his work or adaptations of his work at any available opportunity. Writing on his blog Not A Blog, the Song of Ice and Fire author offered an update on a few of the adaptations of not just his fantasy work, but things like Peacock’s take on his sci-fi series Wild Cards.

“But now I am back in the salt mine, working… working on so many bloody things, my head may soon explode. Yes, Winds of Winter, yes, yes. And House of the Dragon, season two. And several of the other successor shows that we’re developing with HBO,” Martin wrote, before explaining that this summer’s tumult at HBO Max has significantly altered the plans for what we might see out of Westeros in the far future.

“Some of those are moving faster than others, as is always the case with development. None have been greenlit yet, though we are hoping… maybe soon. A couple have been shelved, but I would not agree that they are dead. You can take something off the shelf as easily as you can put it on the shelf,” Martin continued. “All the changes at HBO Max have impacted us, certainly. We are also still developing the Wild Cards tv series for Peacock, based (largely) on FORT FREAK. And I have Wild Cards books to edit. Oh, and did I forget Winds of Winter? No, of course I didn’t. But if I ever did, I know you folks will remind me.”

Beyond House of the Dragon, all we know about potential future Game of Thrones spinoffs are the aforementioned Dunk and Egg series — adapting Martin’s novellas following the adventures of hedge knight Duncan the Tall and his squire Egg, secretly Aegon V Targaryen — and a sequel series set after the conclusion of Game of Thrones following Kit Harington’s Jon Snow. Martin makes it sound like even more could’ve been on the way, but are now on the backburner. But like the author says, these things can be put on and hold and taken off at any time — and given House of the Dragon’s strong debut this year, many of the doubts that Game of Thrones’ controversial legacy could entire people back to Westeros have been proven wrong.

One thing that isn’t in doubt though: we’ll probably have to wait a very long time to see what else Martin and Warner Bros. have planed for A Song of Ice and Fire’s televisual future.


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