kotaku xp

  • You Told Us Your Game Of The Year

    You Told Us Your Game Of The Year

    For our 2018 finale episode of Kotaku XP, Gita and I asked you to tell us your favourite game of 2018. You sure did tell us! We spent an hour and twenty minutes in a hot little recording booth reading, talking about, and counting up your votes. Come see who won!

  • Fake PSN Names Sound Just Like Real Ones

    Fake PSN Names Sound Just Like Real Ones

    This week Sony finally announced that PlayStation Network users will be able to change their IDs in the near future. To commemorate this occasion, I asked people on Twitter to tweet five online Game Person Names at me, four of which were fake, and one of which was real.

  • We Have Some Suggestions For The PlayStation Classic

    We Have Some Suggestions For The PlayStation Classic

    Capcom closed the Dead Rising development studio, we know someone who played Red Dead Redemption 2, one of us played a lot of Forza Horizon 4, Nintendo finally let us pay for NES games on the Switch, and Sony announced they’re releasing a mini baby PlayStation. If it’s a hot video game news topic, we…