Did you think JB Hi-Fi was done with the burns for the week? JB Hi-Fi is never done.
Following JB’s light sledge at Cricket 19, two Kotaku Australia readers have sent in some bangers. The first, and nicest, is this cheeky one for The Outer Worlds.
[referenced url=”https://www.kotaku.com.au/2019/10/jb-hi-fi-reviews-just-destroyed-australian-cricket/” thumb=”https://www.kotaku.com.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/10/jb-hifi-cricket-19-review-2-410×231.jpg” title=”JB Hi-Fi Just Destroyed Australian Cricket” excerpt=”Sure, we might have won the Ashes. But that doesn’t mean JB is gonna let Cricket 19 off scot free.”]
The Outer Worlds is a good game! And it’s also hugely popular, with a ton of stores running out of stock very quickly. A JB store made light of the situation at Fallout‘s expense, as snapped by Kotaku reader Andrew.
Ooft. Around the same time, another reader sent in this cracker for Days Gone, which echoes how everyone felt about The Walking Dead.
And last but not least, a final crack at Fortnite:
Ah, JB. Never change.
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