WIN: We’ve Got $620 Worth Of Turtle Beach Headsets To Give Away!

WIN: We’ve Got $620 Worth Of Turtle Beach Headsets To Give Away!

Hey. You look like you could use a new gaming headset. Maybe we and our friends at Turtle Beach can help with that.

We’ve got three, count ’em three, Turtle Beach gaming headsets to give away to three lucky winners. These headsets represent the latest Turtle Beach gaming headset range, and they are:

Total prize value: $619.85.

What do you need to do to go into the draw? Easy. Hit the Gleam widget below and, in 50 words or less, name the first game you’re going to play on your new headset. Answer in whatever way you like — funny, serious, it’s all good. We want to know!

WIN: THREE Brand New Turtle Beach Gaming Headsets Could Be Yours!

Each winner will receive one headset. First place will recieve the Atlas Air for PC, second place will recieve the Stealth 600 and third place will recieve the Stealth 500. Again, if you win the Stealth 600 or the Stealth 500, we’ll ensure you get your preference for a PlayStation or Xbox version.

This giveaway will kick off on Thursday, May 23, 2024 and will conclude on Thursday, June 13, 2024. The winner will be drawn on Friday, Thursday, June 14, 2024. The winner will be notified by email. You must be an Australian resident aged 18 years or older to enter. If you’re under 18, you’ll need a parent or guardian to enter on your behalf.

Good luck!

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