Joshua Rivera

  • Manifold Garden Is A Puzzle Game About Infinity, No Big Deal

    Video games are quite fond of the work of M.C. Escher—you’ll see his influence in the mundane labyrinths of Control, the disorienting symmetry of the stealth game Echo, or in the clever puzzles of games like Monument Valley and echochrome. You can now add Manifold Garden to that list. And, like those other games, it’s…

  • Destiny 2’s New Grind Might Be Asking Too Much

    Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is made with the dedicated Destiny player in mind. It’s an expansion that foregrounds much of the maths that Destiny has spent the last few years hiding, giving players more control over how they tweak and build their Guardians to play the way they want them to play. I enjoy this, but…