Mark Serrels

  • ScribbleTaku

    It’s been a while since I’ve done ScribbleTaku, so I’m glad it was Casual Prolix — an old nemesis of mine — who defeated me! Correct, yesterday’s drawing was Parappa The Rapper. Good luck with today’s effort!

  • ScribbleTaku

    Well, well, well. Look who managed to stump you all. Coming out of ScribbleTaku retirement and y’all still can’t handle these skills. Looks like you need a second clue…

  • ScribbleTaku

    Hell_Rok — you ruined the paradox. I thought everyone would guess Monday’s ScribbleTaku super quickly, turns out it was harder than I thought. But then Hell_Rok ‘rokked’ up and correctly guessed that my drawing was Advance Wars. Well done!