
  • Forget 4K Gaming, 5K Is Coming

    Most people are still in the midst of upgrading to a 4K screen, let alone having the hardware to play at the highest settings. But instead of settling for 4K, LG this year will start selling 5K monitors.

  • Farewell, Curved TVs (Almost)

    If you didn’t catch Samsung’s TV event and LG’s press conference you might have missed it. The curved TV, once considered the whizzbang tech that would save televisions, is dead. Not quite in the ground, but no longer the darling of its makers. The curved TV is being quietly shuffled away from the limelight to…

  • The 8 Best Games To Play On An Ultra Wide Monitor

    First it was 4:3. And then gaming moved to a widescreen world, where 16:9 monitors and resoultions become the norm. And the next thing on the horizon is ultrawide monitors – screens with a 21:9 aspect ratio – and they’re sick. But the question for gamers has always been: why make the jump to a…