
  • Tour The Too-Cute-To-Blow-Up Tiny Death Star

    Tour The Too-Cute-To-Blow-Up Tiny Death Star

    NimbleBit, Disney and LucasArts are about to unleash the ultimate weapon on our unsuspecting planet — Tiny Tower, only set on Star Wars‘ Death Star. Disguising myself as an Australian, I infiltrated the adorable Imperial base, hoping to save my people from destruction. Is there no hope left?

  • EA Snags Exclusive Deal To Make Star Wars Games

    EA Snags Exclusive Deal To Make Star Wars Games

    EA has secured an exclusive licence to publish and develop Star Wars games, the company announced today. EA studios DICE (Battlefield) and Visceral (Dead Space) will both make new games in the popular sci-fi franchise, and BioWare (Star Wars: The Old Republic) will “continue” to work on Star Wars games.

  • In 30 Tender Portraits, LucasArts Remembers LucasArts

    The closure of LucasArts as a video games developer this week hit many right between the eyes. None staggered harder than those who worked for the company, all of whom were laid off. Gamers and fans took the news personally thanks to nostalgia, remembering the good times playing great games, or because of a keen…