Community Review: Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order

So far, it seems like Respawn still know how to do single-player campaigns.

I’m only a few hours into Jedi Fallen Order, having only just reached the second planet. But so far, the combat — at least the aggressive element of the combat — is nice and tight. The world-building is really well done, and BD-1 might be the most adorable new character the Star Wars franchise has had post-LucasArts.

I definitely would lean towards the game being more Metroid and Uncharted than Dark Souls. Just because something has dodging and attack patterns a Souls-game does not make it so.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”Jedi Fallen Order’s Opening Is The Uncharted Star Wars Game We Never Got” excerpt=”One of the saddest bits of news this year was the cancellation of Visceral’s Star Wars game, an adventure billed as an open-world Uncharted in the classic LucasArts universe. We’ll never see what that could of been, but at least in the opening, Jedi Fallen Order does its best to bring those Uncharted vibes back.”]

The one annoyance I have is that there doesn’t seem to be much use in hunting for chests. I don’t mind hunting for echoes, because at least you’ll get some XP out of those. The optimisation and performance has been pretty rock-solid in my experience, although I’ve seen a fair few on social media complain about lost saves, hard crashes to desktop and on console. I’m lucky to have avoided all of that.

What’s your experience with Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order been like so far? Has it met your expectations, or are you left wanting a bigger piece of the Force?


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