Doc Burford

  • Why Horror Is Scarier With Weapons

    Why Horror Is Scarier With Weapons

    Our favourite games are often the ones that made us feel these really cool, powerful things. How’d you feel when you met your first Colossus or saw Rapture for the first time? I think the best games stick with us because everything about them, from mechanics to presentation, is all about crafting that perfect, powerful…

  • Lara Croft Is The Worst Thing About Rise Of The Tomb Raider

    Lara Croft Is The Worst Thing About Rise Of The Tomb Raider

    Rise of the Tomb Raider is the best action-adventure game of this generation, a game that effortlessly balances great gameplay with puzzles that feel more naturalistic than artificial. As if that weren’t enough, the levels are awesome, exploration is a blast, and the game’s great at encouraging a sense of completionism. There’s just one problem:…