
Logan’s past lives include editorships of Atomic and Kotaku Australia, two-and-a-half years as a game designer at Tantalus and, most recently, a writing role at top mobile developer Firemint.
  • Metabox Prime-X P750TM-G: The Australian Review

    I reckon we’ve turned the corner on gaming notebooks. And not just gaming – the likes of ASUS, Acer, MSI, Gigabyte and more are pumping out models from the ultrabook to ultrabrick with performance that rivals their desktop counterparts. The problem is, few – if any – are configurable. Enter Metabox, with its customisable range…

  • Here’s A Look At The PS4 Pro’s Upcoming Supersampling AA

    Here’s A Look At The PS4 Pro’s Upcoming Supersampling AA

    When it comes to getting rid of jaggies, nothing quite beats supersampling. No surprise then, it’s also the worst performance-wise and often requires some compromises. That hasn’t stopped Sony from adding SSAA to the PS4 Pro’s latest firmware, 5.5, for those on 1080p screens that would prefer the choice. So, how does it go? It…