dead rising

  • A Jumbo Jet Crashes The City In Dead Rising 3

    A Jumbo Jet Crashes The City In Dead Rising 3

    Dead Rising has always had a kind of joie de mort about it, but Capcom made it clear this summer that comes to an end with the Xbox One-only Dead Rising 3. Unless the pilot and everyone on board is a zombie, there’s not much dark comedy to be found in a 757 disaster.

  • Say Hello To Dead Rising 3’s Craziest Weapons (And Co-Op Buddy)

    Say Hello To Dead Rising 3’s Craziest Weapons (And Co-Op Buddy)

    [image url=”” alt=”Say Hello to Dead Rising 3’s Craziest Weapons (and Co-Op Buddy)” link=”lightbox” size=”xlarge” align=”center” nocrop=”true” clear=”true” Yeah, that’s a giant weaponised teddy bear. Part of the appeal of the Dead Rising series has been cooking up absurd implements of death with the various things that are left lying around.