
  • When Dota 2 Does Love Actually Memes

    When Dota 2 Does Love Actually Memes

    This weekend’s The Summit tournament is the eighth iteration of a Real World-meets-esports event, and it’s been delivering on the comedy front. One video, a play on the Christmas rom-com Love Actually, has Sam “BuLba” Sosale dropping some cards for former teammate Artour “Arteezy” Babaev.

  • Surprise! Valve Reveals Two New Heroes For Dota 2

    In an unexpected turn of events, Valve revealed not one, but two new heroes for Dota 2. Announced in grandiose fashion, complete with orchestra, the one minute video gave attendees a sneak peek at the currently unnamed additions — a musketeer cat/fox/pangolin and a fey-like creature with a glowing insect companion.