
  • Will Disney Destroy The Star Wars Universe?

    Disney paying a cool $4 billion for Lucasfilm — which essentially means Mickey Mouse now owns Star Wars — is stupidly big news. Disney’s record with Marvel suggests it won’t automatically wreck a beloved cult property, but do we need more Star Wars movies anyway? And what does it mean for Star Wars gaming? Kotaku’s…

  • Kotaku vs Gizmodo: Will Your TV Replace Your Console?

    Nowadays TVs are doing more than ever before. Panasonic and Samsung have both announced that their future televisions will feature “app stores” built in, stores which include… video games. Is this the future? Can you imagine a world without consoles, a world in which games are streamed directly through your TV? I say ‘no’. Nick…

  • Kotaku vs. Gizmodo: Should We Buy An iPad 2?

    So the iPad 2 hits Australia this Friday, and we’ve already had the price confirmed – the only question that remains is ‘should we bother buying one? It’s becoming increasingly clear that the iPad is being fashioned as a gaming device, but is it a compelling games device? This is the question myself and Gizmodo’s…