
  • The Anatomy Of A Sackboy

    Artist Jason Freeny peels back to cloth to see what the inside of LittleBigPlanet’s Sackboy looks like, bones and all, modifying an official vinyl toy and having his anatomical way with the star of Media Molecule’s game.

  • Media Molecule’s Challenge: Invent A New Genre

    I just got back from talking to Siobhan Reddy, an Australian designer at Media Molecule, and I’m currently feverishly transcribing what was a very interesting interview. One thing, however, immediately struck me while we were chatting. When asked what Media Molecule ultimately wanted to see users create in LBP 2, she threw down the gauntlet…

  • The Sackboy Song

    Last week we reported that Sony was getting the ‘Fully Sick Rapper’, ChristiaanVanVuuren, to help out with promotion for LittleBigPlanet, which involved him creating his very own level in LBP2, turns out that in celebration of the game’s upcoming released he’s also created a new song about his very own sack… boy.