pc stuff

  • Indie Tuesdays: The Wonderful End of the World

    We’ve written about The Wonderful End of the World before, describing it as “Katamari Damacy on crack” – a turn of phrase that is as misleading as it is cringeworthy. The truth is it’s Katamari Damacy, period. But it’s worth mentioning again. Why?

  • F.E.A.R. 2 Demo Coming This Friday

    If the end of last year didn’t quite satiate your appetite for shooters – there was, after all, only about a hundred of them, so I can understand – then you’ll want to be checking Xbox Live, the PSN or just your humble PC this Friday. Why? Alma’s back. Or, if you prefer, the F.E.A.R.…

  • D&D: Tiny Adventures? Where Are My 4th Ed Tools?

    Wizards of the Coast’s Tiny Adventures has me a little confused. Sure, it’s a neat little distraction, but it makes me wonder if WotC’s online dudes have lost sight of the bigger picture: The most galling aspect of the game, from a pen-and-paper player’s perspective, has nothing to do with its mechanics at all. The…